Office hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

For emergencies out side of these hours please follow 

the prompt on the voicemail message, otherwise send an email

and we will respond within 24 hours. 








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    Trauma Cleaning Essex

    Trauma Cleaning can take on many forms and all need dealing with by a professional company!

    Hoarder Cleaning

    Providing Discreet, Empathetic and an efficient Hoarder Cleaning service.

    Sharps Removal

    Used Drug Paraphernalia and Needles are a risk to your health, have Sharps removed correctly!

    Attic Cleaning, insulation removal, re-insulating and sanitising

    Covid 19

    Decontamination cleaning for Covid 19 or any other infectious event!  Have it done by the people who know how!

    deep clean

    General Cleaning, One off Deep Cleans, End of Tenancy Cleans, Office Cleaning and more…

    Black Mould treatment

    Black Mould can have serious health implications, with our two step treatment we remove the danger and the stains!*

    *stains will sometimes need extra treatment. 

    Bespoke Decking, Pergolas, Shelters, Bird Hides paving and more.  For all your Garden Services we are here!